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Gear System To Increase a DC Motor Torque

A Few days ago, i wrote about a job to made a line follower . After i was making the job, i was getting problem. To making the line follower, i was using dc motor . But, i was geting problem with torque from it. The DC motor is used can't give me enouh torque. i am confused about how to increase torque it. i was thingking about it. And i was remember about search engine, why i am not looking how to incresae torque from a dc motor at search engine ??? And then, i am looking from search engine about how to increase dc motor torque. i was founding solution about how to increase torque it. To increase it, we can use system gear. But, i am confuse how to aplication sistem gear at my line follower. 

I Have a Job to Make a Line Follower

I have a duty to make a line follower . Line follower is a robot that can walk follow the line . I was given three weeks to complete this task . I'm confused where to start to make a line follower. Finally I search from the search engine on the car line follower . Quite simply , I hope I can finish it in accordance with the time that is given to me .

Tips to avoid strike

  Very annoying when our car broke down on the road . Many things can cause our car broke down . That we do not experience it , we must pay attention to care for our cars . And we hope that we will avoid the situation the car broke down . Some of the things we have noticed that the car did not strike the fuel , spark plugs , radiator water , oil , and others . Looking fuel indicator , will help us to analyze the car enough fuel is available or not. If we forget to monitor fuel capacity , it can cause us to run out of fuel, so we are riding in a car that will go on strike when the petrol runs out . If the location of strike away from fuel sales , it will trouble us . Maybe we need a tow truck to pull our car up to the sale of fuel.

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