Energy Saving Tips

Saving energy is beneficial for us. Not only we can save more money. By saving energy, we also maintain this natural equilibrium. Here are some tips that we can do to save energy.

The first, we must realize that nature has a limited energy. We must have the awareness to save energy. if we do not have the awareness of the importance of saving energy, then we would be hard to save energy. How to raise awareness about the importance of saving energy within us. Maybe it can be done by expanding our knowledge about the adverse effects caused if nature had run out of energy. I mean energy, is energy such as oil and coal. Knowing about the consequences of that, then we can become aware, that apparently we have to save our energy.

Second, to remember, that by saving energy, it means, we can save our money. We buy energy with the money, the less energy we buy, it will be less money we spend. We could use the money for other purposes. And there are many tips that can be done to save energy.

Save energy can make us not spoiled, and indirectly, our bodies can be healthy. For example, we reduce using the car, to save on fuel consumption, then, that means we will do activities way, if we replace car usage with a bicycle, Kitya include exercise, so ? we must to saving energy.

Bicycles, Energy efficient and Healthy

Sophistication of the technology, could have made us lazy. now we almost do not need to move the body to conduct our activities. All the mobility we have helped with the technology, such as a car for long distances, an elevator that makes us not have to walk up the stairs. And other sophistication. We must get rid of addiction to technology. Body must move, so the body remains healthy.

Bike is a good choice to help us cover the distance is not too far away. In cycling, we can get the health. Because cycling including exercise. Not only a healthy body. But bikes can make us save energy. The more bikes, the greater the energy that can be saved. Also, bicycles can be a solution to pollution.

If we do not have cycling, your body may feel sore, especially in the legs, but, if you've used, then the body will feel more refreshed and healthy. So?

Exploiting the dirt Buffalo

Buffalo dung, it can be used for fuel. Could produce natural gas, and can be used for cooking and so on. Process is also quite simple. We are holding this buffalo dung, and leave until a few days, then the gas has been formed, and can be channeled to the furnace or the stove as fuel.

I think this is a good step in utilizing an energy waste as material for our lives.

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