Showing posts with label tips save energy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tips save energy. Show all posts

5 ways to save energy at home

This article writes about energy conservation. About the ways to save energy at home. Many people are looking for ways to save their electricity consumption. And hope do can conserve energy at home. How can you conserve energy ? Maybe some of these ways can be used to save electricity in our homes.

  1. Energy Efficient Habit. Energy-saving habits must be culture to energy conservation at home, some of the habits we have to do to save energy is to turn off the air conditioning when we're away from home. Turning off the garden lights in the morning can also help us to save electricity. It takes a habit, we often forget if we are very busy.
  2. Replacing the old AC with energy-saving air conditioner. If we use electrical appliances, such as air conditioning, then we should use AC that saves electricity. Not only air conditioning, maybe replacing the Television tube with the LCD Television can also help reduce the consumption of electricy in our homes. Also the lights used in our homes, now we are very easy to find energy saving lamps.
  3. Using Heat-Insulating Paint on the walls of the house exposed to the sun directly may provide a reduction of the cooling load of the room by our air conditioners. If the walls exposed to sunlight and heat enter the room from the wall, then this will increase the workload on cooling space by our air conditioner.
  4. Turning off the Television while sleeping, this is the habit of many people. That is watching television before bed, and when the person is asleep, then the television is still on but no one is watching. If we used to watch television before bedtime, do not forget to set the television time to turn it off, so it can help save energy at our home.
  5. Install electrical management technology in our homes, where we can control the home electricity from the devices we have. Even though we are out of town, we do not have to turn on the house lights all day. From the device we can turn on the lights and turn off the lights at home.

Perhaps it is some ways to conserve energy in our homes, you should look for additional references from other sites to find ways how to conserve energy at home ?

How To Save Energy In The Company ?

At the company, electricity costs are the second largest component after raw materials. Given that the availability of electrical energy resources in the world is very limited, we must save it. Everyday we need electrical energy for the purposes of the company's Eletronic devices.  

Perhaps we have been using excessive electrical energy. Electricity really helps simplify the work in our lives, we become very dependent on the availability of electrical energy to run the business. But if we are not wise in using it, then this means waste. As a result the cost of production is increasingly bloated and not comparable with the output of the company.

To control the use of electricity, many companies do energy efficiency. Begin to find the company's source of energy wastage. Many companies also conduct energy management for energy efficiency. They use the services of other companies to help reduce energy use to be more efficient. Replacing the old AC with AC power saving.
The power-saving culture should become a habit. Like always turning off the lights or air conditioner if the room is empty and turning off the lights near the glass window during the day is a culture that helps companies make energy efficiency. Examples of habits that help companies make energy efficiency are always closing doors and windows that separate air-conditioned rooms with non-AC. If the energy-saving culture has become a habit this will help the company do energy efficiency

Make Home Energy Saving

Creating an energy-efficient homes, must be done from the initial planning, starting from house plans will be made. We must calculate the sun, wind and so on. Calculating the sun, it is that the rooms of the house that we make, can all be exposed to sunlight during the day, so we did not need to turn on the lights during the day to illuminate the room in our house. With this, we will save the use of electricity to power the lights in the daytime.

Taking into account the wind direction, we can design the room to keep cool even though we did not use a fan or air conditioning, so if we have a room like this, it will help us save our home electricity consumption.

So, if we want to make energy-efficient homes, konseplah from scratch, designed it so that we get energy-efficient room space in our homes.

Now, You Can Save Your Money From Your Old Batteries

We often use our money to buy batteries. And we discard our old battery. We know that the price of batteries is not cheap. and we also know if the batteries contain chemicals that seep into the soil and ends up in our waterways. But I recently read of a site on a good information for us all. It turns our old batteries, maybe we can still reconditioned so that they can be reused.

Using Light Sleeper To Save Electricity at Home

There are some people can not sleeping in the dark. They needs a light fot lighting. For this situation, we may be need a light sleeper. With the use of a light sleeper, the consumption of electricity usage can be reduced. There are many ways that we can use to save electricity in our homes. One is, as already written above, using light sleeper to save electricity at home.

With doing electricity savings, we also save our money. Because, to save the usage of electricity in our homes, this can making the our electricity bill is reduced. Or maybe you can think of to have its own power at home. Of course, the power plant to the home not such a huge power plant. Generating electricity at home can use the solar panels to produce electricity.

Are you interested in using?

Creating a House Design To Support Energy Saving

It is a way of saving energy that we can do before the home is built. Our home design plans, created to support the efforts to save electricity in our homes. Taking into account a few things in the house design planning, it can help us to save electricity consumption at home. Some of the things that we can plan the design of the home to help save electricity usage is as follows:

1. Designing the layout for the window. Here, we can to design windows layout that all rooms in the house to get adequate lighting during the day. So we do not need to turn on the lights for lighting during the day. Having regard to the design of location of windows in our house, this will help us in saving energy.

2. Designing with good ventilation. By designing with good air ventilation, air circulation will cause our house is going well. In fact we can arrange to make room ventilation we get enough wind gusts. This will cause us to not have to turn on the air conditioning when the hot days. By designing air circulation in the home, this will help us in saving energy.

3. In addition, we also can design the house to keep warm despite the cold. So that we can reduce the use of heating machines.

To design a home design that could help save electricity, we can ask for help to an architect with experience. So the ingredients we use in the house could fit, including the type of flooring and roofing. So if you are planning to make a home, do not forget to design energy efficient homes.

The Ways To Save Electricity

I am sure that you want to save electricity in your home. And I Think if you already know some of the ways that I will write to save electricity in our homes. You can add via the comments to tell about your ways to save electricity in your home. We know, to save our electricity consumption, it also means saving our finances. With we save electricity consumption, the amount of electricity bills will be reduced.

One Day Without Electricity

Have you ever imagined what it would be one day without electricity ?. Can we pass? Let us imagine what if one day without electricity. Of course we can not do any activities that require electricity, such as watching television, listen to the radio, using an electric stove, use a washing machine, and using other power tools.

Can you imagine if one day without electricity? what would you do if you went a day without electricity. There was no air conditioning or heating, the fan can not work, what would you do if you went a day without electricity.

This seems like a fun thing, trying to get through a day without electricity. There are no lights on in tegah night, dark and quiet. No television show that we can see. No computer is on for browsing.

What can we generate the electrical activity of the day without it? Of course we hope, with the thought that we are on one day without electricity, then we will feel that power is very important to us. We became interested to know how electricity is bisadiciptakan, and finally, we can save energy, so that electricity can be used effectively and efficiently. So, can we go through a day without electricity.

Using Energy Saving Lamps

Have you ever wondered how electricity we use every day it was made? Of course, electricity is created by power plants. The power plant also requires fuel for electricity-making process. Some require the processed oil in significant amounts. Therefore, a wise move if we save our electricity consumption, and indirectly it also saves the amount of oil the less.

To save on electricity consumption in the household, we can use energy-saving lamps. Using energy-saving lamp is a real step to conserve the use of petroleum. If only 50 percent of people in our cities use energy saving lamps in the city, so if the calculated savings from the use of energy saving lamps can be seen as significant.

We do not have to be a president to act in finding solutions to the petroleum consumption savings, because as a wise citizens there, then the energy savings plan that has become an international discourse can be realized.

Tips To Save Energy In Car

The price of oil continues to rise. Though in our lives, oil has an important role, for example, is as a fuel. Our cars need oil. and that means spending money to buy fuel our cars. Each liter of oil that we consume for our cars, will likely continue to rise in price. Because oil prices continue to rise, probably due to the limited availability of oil. With gasoline prices now, we can calculate how much we spend on gasoline for our cars can still run our cars. What if the price of gasoline has increased 50% per liter, or 100%, could this happen?

How to Save Fuel For Cars.

Many ways you can do to save on fuel use in our cars, save fuel consumption is a real step to conserve the use of petroleum. Some things we can do to conserve fuel our cars is to look at how to we drive our cars, like the quiet way we move the transmission, compatibility with the transmission speed (rpm) is one thing we can do to make our cars more efficient in fuel consumption

Another step that we can do to save fuel for cars is to avoid stepping on the gas pedal in a way all of a sudden, because it will make the fuel burn chamber will suck more and more, when engine speed is still low, so not all the fuel that will burn in. . This is one of the things that can cause us to be wasteful in the automobile fuel use. 

Other tips that we can do to conserve fuel in cars is to control the tire, a tire that has a size of less pressure to make our cars suffered fuel waste, by keeping the size of the tire pressure according to these specifications will help our cars to be fuel efficient.

Another step to save fuel it could also turn on the AC only as needed, because the use of ac course will also increase fuel consumption. and other steps that we can use to save fuel our cars is to use the car for long distances, and we can think about other mass public transportation that can be used simultaneously together. There are still many ways that we can use to save fuel our cars, you can look it up on the internet about tips to save fuel our cars, or ask directly to the repair shop technician about the steps we need to do to save fuel consumption cars us.

Shared Commitment to Reduce Greenhouse Gases.

 The Paris Agreement in 2015 (COP21) or Paris Climate Change Conference, was a collective agreement to make changes to limit global warming....