Benefits Of Go Green Activity

Go Green is an activity that has a concern for the environment, many people who have a concern for nature have started to introduce go green activities. In this activity, every human being has a responsibility to take care of the earth as our home.

The more people who have concern for the earth, then this will have a good effect on humans themselves. Some of the problems we face are pollution and waste problems, global warming is also a problem that must be solved. Of course, going green activities have a good impact on us, among the benefits of this going green lifestyle is the reduction of non-organic waste. Maybe if done by many people it will have an effect on the availability of safe air for humans due to reduced air pollution.

Efforts to overcome the energy crisis and water crisis may be helped by many people who adopt this go green lifestyle. Of course that doesn't mean we don't use cars, it's just that we reduce the use of private cars, instead we can choose bicycles or public transportation to use.

So going green is a form of our concern for the earth as our home. Trees as a provider of oxygen for our needs also need attention. The balance in nature to keep the icebergs in Antarctica from melting also requires mutual concern. So that the preservation of this nature is maintained properly.

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